This one starts somewhere around 1930. Laméco was then a cigar factory in Eindhoven. The factory was first located at Paradijslaan 14 and later at Tongelresestraat 260. As Karel Lammers ( Daan's grandfather) said in an interview:
"Via d'n achterum neffe 't woonhuis kwamde bij 't sigarenfabriek, in d'n goede glorietijd werkte er zowa vijftig sigarenmakers en twee ringsters veur 't plekken van de bandjes. Tinus Vogels of the Collse watermill supplied the plenkskes for the cigar boxes".
Karel Lammers (in: "A walk through Tongelre")
During World War II, Philips worked quietly in the cigar factory to develop television under the direction of ir. Bosch. Later the factory was closed.