Mandrill, what is it and how does it work?

03 November 2017 Laatste update: 17 November 2021 This is how
Mandrill, what is it and how does it work?

Does your website send a lot of emails? For example, emails sent after filling out a form, after placing an order or after creating an account? To be sure that such messages are handled correctly and also not detected as spam, we recommend using Mandrill's mail servers. Mandrill is a powerful email service of interest to administrators of websites from which emails are sent.

Why is Laméco a fan of Mandrill?

Laméco's servers are not optimized to handle e-mails; we prefer to leave this to parties that specialize in this. Mandrill is such a party. The big advantage of Mandrill is that you get more insight into the handling of e-mails through extensive statistics and tracking data. For example, you get insight into the number of e-mails sent, e-mails not delivered and the type of e-mail program a recipient uses to read the e-mail. You can also resend previously sent emails from within the app.

Do you also want to get started with Mandrill?

Carefree sending messages from your website. Laméco is happy to help you connect with Mandrill!

Can you still do without Mandrill?

Our experience is that e-mail messages are processed much better when there is a link to Mandrill. If your website sends e-mails, Mandrill is also interesting for you. Depending on the number of emails you send per month, you choose the license that suits you. The application also offers the possibility to manage multiple domains per account. So when you have several websites, they can all be hosted in the same Mandrill account. Do you also want to start using Mandrill? Then it is necessary to first create an account with MailChimp, Mandrill's little brother.

Are you experiencing problems with the messages sent from your website? Then we can help you with connecting Mandrill!

Linking Mandrill in 3 steps

After you have created an account with MailChimp and Mandrill, we can support you in linking Mandrill to your website(s). This through the 3 steps below.

  1. To be able to send the email via Mandrill, Mandrill has to be sure that the domain you want to use is really yours. This check is done via 2 verification steps:
    • Via an e-mail to an address on the domain in question.
    • Via 2 DNS records that are added at the domain settings.
  2. When the domain is verified, we set up Mandrill so you can start using their mail servers.
  3. The last step is to link Mandrill to your website. For this we need to make adjustments in the code of your website.

After going through these 3 steps, all messages from your website are processed through Mandrill's servers and you can use your account to monitor the processing.

Mandrill Dashboard

Getting started with Mandrill?

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Martin Laméco
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